Thursday, June 30, 2005


Was Kepler guilty?

I finished Heavenly Intregue yesterday. The argument for proving that Kepler poisoned Tycho Brahe is pretty convincing. Is Kepler's guilt more or less obvious than that of OJ or M. Jackson? I don't follow these celebrity trials closely, so my opinion isn't very well informed, but from what I hear, they seemed at least as guilty as Kepler appeared. So I guess I'll have to find him "not guilty"

Sorry Tycho!

Wednesday, June 22, 2005


Heavenly Intrigue

Did Kepler poison Tycho Brahe? I just started reading Heavenly Intrigue, in which the authors claim to prove that this is the case. I guess I'll decide for myself after reading it.

Tuesday, June 21, 2005


The Botanist and the Vintner

The Botanist and the Vintner : How Wine Was Saved for the World -- by Christy Campbell

All about awful
American aphid attack
Automne anguish!

Good read!

Monday, June 20, 2005


First Post

I went forever before getting around to starting a blog and now I've got two in one week. I plan to use this one to chronicle my reading and listening (I'm hooked on audiobooks in my car now that have an iPod).

In my first blog (Calculus Lite) I commented on my finishing of the Baroque Cycle! by Neil Stephenson.

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